The Jimmy Gold award is named after one of the Founders of TSA (SCRC). It recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to this region. Jimmy C. Gold was instrumental in starting TSA and also served PTG as Regional Vice President for several years. Had it not been for Jimmy Gold, there likely would not have been an SCRC.
Recipients of the Jimmy Gold Award
Jimmy was born in Hobart, Oklahoma January 6, 1929. He and his wife Barbara were married in September 1949. As a Registered Piano Technician member of PTG Jimmy served the Texoma Chapter as treasurer for many years. He served PTG as a Certified Tuning Examiner and as South Central Regional Vice President. He was chapter CTE and was the host for the chapter's annual summer fish fry. His work on the Top of Texas seminar led to the formation of the Texas State Association Annual Seminar, which is now named SCRC. He is the namesake of the Texas State Association special award because of the example of service he gave to all of us. His years of selfless dedication to the Guild were an inspiration to countless members who have gone on to serve the Guild in local state and national venues.
In 1977 Jimmy Gold, SCRVP held a meeting in his hotel room in Dallas at the Annual PTG Convention. The Texoma Chapter donated the proceeds from the Top of Texas Seminar to establish the Texas State Association or TSA. Jimmy helped to administer TSA for many years and was involved in writing the regional Bylaws. It can be said that Jimmy Gold is the father of TSA. Jimmy Gold passed away on March 3rd, 1999 at the age of 70.