By the end of this conference you will know our instructors by sight!
We are excited to promote our next SCRC event! It is coming to Austin, Texas this year-- That's right-- this year! You get to have that fabulous SCRC experience again from Friday, September 29th - Sunday, October 1st. It is our goal this year to help you develop new skills or hone forgotten ones to offer to your existing clients. There are so many possibilities!
One thing we'd like to brag about is that we will have some never-before-seen classes; classes that have been created from scratch just for this specific theme. We are very excited about this!
To learn more, just go to our Classes tab. And for the first time in decades, we will be offering 3 All-Day classes on Thursday, Sept. 28th! This extra day is available to SCRC attendees for a nominal additional fee. Also, there will be a host of top-notch, seasoned instructors to get you engaged and networking. So come prepared to roll up your sleeves and cultivate that rich soil that is your business!Reserve the dates and start making plans to attend this terrific regional conference. Join us at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in South Austin at a fantastic room rate!
Details are being added to this site as they become available. Menu links at the top will become active soon. Check back often.
Click on the hotel logo to the left to make a $99/night reservation now! Reservations should be made through the Wyndham Garden reservation link to ensure receiving the best rate made available for our conference. Use Group Code 09256702PI. You can also call 1-800-996-3426 directly and ask for the "Piano Technicians Guild PTG-SCRC" convention rate.
More hotel details on our Location tab.