All RPT Exams will be available! Contact the Home Office (913-432-9975) to pre-pay ($180) for the Tuning or Technical Exams. You must have already passed the Written Exam and show documentation before taking the Tuning or Technical.
The Written Exam will also be offered for Associate members who want to begin the process of becoming an RPT. Exam times TBD, and currently the Written Exam is free.
Customized Mock Tuning Exams will be offered! A Certified Tuning Examiner with a highly developed computer program will analyze your tuning for a requested section of the piano (temperament, midrange, bass, treble, Octave 7, stability, or unisons) and provide colored-graphic feedback for your tuning. This opportunity will be a 90 min. session at a $60. cost payable to the Examiner. Sign up sheets will be available. Only offered on Friday and Saturday.
Private Tuning Tutoring! There will be sign-ups for 45 min. hands-on sessions, offered for $45. payable to the Tutor. Only offered on Friday and Saturday.
Bring your own tuning tools.
Contact Ricki Klos for questions about taking the Exams, or signing up for tutoring or mock exam sessions. 512-773-7133