Over $4500 of Sponsor Gifts and Prizes

We are thrilled by the contributions our Sponsors have made. They cared enough to share their wares and services with us, so we hope that you will continue to give them your business! Click on their names to visit their websites. Must be present at the drawings to win.


Sponsors: Gifts:
Allied Piano Four $25 Gift Certificatess
Arledge Bass Strings Two Measuring Kits
Steve Brady A Steve Brady Publication, "Under the Lid"
Brooks, LTD Gift Certificate good for one Grand Hammer Pre-Hanging Service & Brooks, LTD Encore Sample Parts Kit
Canyon of the Eagles One night's stay for 1 or 2 people (good for one year redemption)
Coleman Tools and Supplies Two basic Tech Bond Kits
Gerry Cousins Benchtop Laser Regulation Tools (value $100)
Dampp Chaser Five-Part Grand Piano Lifesaver System (value $400)
Fall Creek Vineyards 1 - 2 Bottles of Fine Wine
GC Piano Co. $200 Gift Certificate
Hailun USA Two Crystal Piano Music Boxes
Hellerbass Strings Measuring devices for Bass Strings
Inventronics Accu-Tuner Beat-Rater or Accu-Fork
Paul Jansen & Son, Inc. Gift Certificates
Kawai USA Grand Action Model
NucklJac Two NucklJacs
The Piano Clinic Action Cart with Top ($345 value)
Piano Forte Supply Hammer Filing Kit
Pianotek Four String Height Gauges (with tape reading)
Pitchlock TouchRail TouchRail Demonstator
PTG Home Office  
Randy Potter Two work aprons and two coffee mugs
Renner USA Voicing Tool, Flange Spacing Tool & Paper Weights
Schaff Four $25 Gift Certificates
Sue Speir Keytop Replacement Service
TPR Tools 20% off a Portable Regulation Station by TPR Tools
Ward & Probst, Inc. Regulating Rack plus Sharp Leveling Key Dip Tool(value $175)
Wessell, Nickel & Gross Tool Pouch and Key Dip Tool


Chapter Contributions

We would also like to acknowledge the generosity of the following chapters who have donated either money to SCRC and/or have offered scholarships to their deserving chapter members for SCRC registration: the Dallas Chapter, the Fort Worth Chapter, the Houston Chapter and the Austin Chapter. These chapters' interest in preserving the South Central Regional Conference's continuance has helped immeasurably. We thank them humbly.